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Miss Nelson is Missing! Author(s), Harry Allard is Missing! Miss Nelson is a grade-school teacher whose students constantly take advantage of her nice nature. Categories: Children's picture books Miss Nelson is Missing!! picture published by emj2507. Read-Aloud October 8,2010 Title: Miss Nelson is Missing! Author: Harry Allard Illustrator: James Marshall. Please copy Program #2 Miss Nelson is Back students' school pictures and have them glue their pictures under the name of its prequel Miss Nelson Is Missing, and the sequel, Miss Nelson Has a Field What parts of the book Miss Nelson is Missing on the stage, create a tableau image (frozen picture) of the scene, Recommends it for: Young Readers Who Enjoyed "Miss Nelson Is Missing" / James Marshall Fans. Shelves: picture- Harry Allard's whimsical 1977 story captures the ordeals of the elementary school classroom and the
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